Tuesday 5 January 2016

Nothing like a decent list

Hi again!
Before I get back to the January Cure, let me entertain you with a photo I shot in Siberia last summer.
I highly doubt everybody is as much into curing his/her apartment as I am. ;-)

The photo below shows the Port Baikal station, a former station of the Transsiberian railway, now a dead end.
At the bottom today's posting you'll find out more about these old, neglected tracks of the world famous railway in Russia.
Department Store in  Port Baikal

Now back to the apartment. 
I am a fan of lists. For those of you who share the love for decent lists, the January Cure's second assignment is made for you. Today you are asked to write a project list.

What is better than a list? A project list! Here you can find assignment #2 at apartmenttherapy.com  
At the end of the article you also find the Cure calendar, you can download it.
In case you want to join, you can register for the daily mails (they end by Jan. 31, no worries!)

Here you can see what the upcoming days have to offer:

 I remember myself cursing while trying to master the kitchen weekend. No way I could do the oven, the fridge and all the cabinets in two days. To my surprise the oven is still very neat. The frdige is not bad. And the one cabinet, next to the oven still contains only goods I need for baking. Perfect order, installed one year ago. 

For those of you, who have not gone through their clutter in various drawers for a long time:  There is always a light at the end of the tunnel! 

Ok, now this was a cheap bridge.

I feel like posting this photo ...  mainly because I think it is beautiful. 
Secondly, because tonight Mr Paula and I finally presented the Transsiberian-slide show (no more than 120 photos) at a friend's house. The tunnel (photo above) was part of the original route of the Transsiberian railway. Due to a hydroelectric power station, built around 1960 in Irkutsk, the original route had to be transferred - the old tracks close to lake Baikal and the river Angara were lower then the new water level. The tunnel above was part of the old route, which was not flooded. Today it serves as a tourist attraction, an attractive attraction. I really like this photo. And yes, it was shot on film. 35mm Fujifilm. :-)

This deal might work out: The January Cure Transsiberian Review. hehe.

Meanwhile, take care, it's slippery out there!


  1. Der Baikalsee steht definitiv auf meiner Löffelliste. Bis es soweit ist "verfolge" ich ihn bei Instagram :) Ich liebe Deine Bilder. Von mir gibt es eines vor einem Milchkiosk in Perm, ich suche Dir das mal...
    Liebste Grüße aus Berlin (mit fast sibirischer Kälte)
    Bärbel ☼

  2. Der Baikalsee ist im Grunde total unkompliziert. Er liegt ja direkt an einem Bahnhof. hehe.

    Ich merke eben, dass man ihn (den See!) auf den Fotos oben nicht zu sehen bekommt. Das nenne ich einen Spannungsbogen :-))

    liebe Grüße!
