Saturday, 30 July 2016

New Season


Here I am, returning to my homebase: the good, old reliable blog.

I have been exploring the world of Social Media and I've enjoyed twitter. BUT: in the end it's always the blog which serves as an excellent archive, contrary to twitter, when searching for a certain photo, forwarding stories to friends or browsing through memories.

This blog has always served as a "Best of", at least to me. No matter how outdated blogging is in 2016, it feels right to pick it up and continue where I stopped.

Speaking of favourite places: a few weeks ago I went down South, the lake disctrict in Carinthia is just 330 km from Vienna.

Evening at Lake Ossiach, first day of the vacation, before tanning ;-)
I have visited Carinthia many times for many years, having walked on many frozen lakes. The Carinthian lakes are excellent skating "rinks":

Silbersee, Villach, Carinthia on New Years Day
This time I went there during the summer season, for the first time in ages. You can imagine my excitement. No, you can actually see my excitement:

Evening swim after a hot day at the literature festival. Lake Afritz, Carinthia, Austria
During the vacation the "40th Festival of German-Language Literature" happened to take place in Klagenfurt.

Very entertaining. Readings and the following discussions, seriously: big time entertainment. The festival takes place at the regional broadcasting studio and outside, in the garden in front of the studio building.

Stairway to literature heaven/hell*
 *depending on text & jury

Put "nerdy" in one picture? This! People listening to literature, 32° in the shade
Me, having an excellent time

Reading and re-reading at the beach the following days
Exclusive beaches in July (high season starting 2 weeks later)
The Wörthersee (Lake Wörth) is famous for ....
... its bright turquois water.

Happy people, nothing to complain about :-)

Free public beaches are rare in Carinthia, but they do exist. To my surprise many villages around the Wörthersee – the lake which is known for luxury and decadence – offer various free public beaches. 

The following photo demonstrates the wide range of colours and character those lakes in Carinthia provide: from tropical water (Wörthersee, above) to emerald green, mountainous forest lakes, such as Lake Vassach in Villach:

Another free public beach: Lake Vassach in Villach.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. as always a joy to see your photos and to read about beautiful lakes in Carinthia. so much more peaceful and pleasant looking than the overcrowded beaches of Adriatic

    1. Hello, dear coffeeaddict! What a nice surprise. Did you switch to an alternative online channel? (curious to know if you are still "out there")
      Yes, the landscape and beaches are extremly peaceful before high season.

    2. Dear Paula, I've stopped blogging. But stil follow up on other peoples' blogs and occasionally comment :-) I'm also on Facebook, it's a perfert venue to stay in contact with people and see what they're up to on a daily basis, but again, I'll post seldomly.

  2. ja, ich habe es genossen, mein wochenende im RL - aber auch deinen wiederbelebten blog und vor allem, DICH zu sehen! und soviel wasser. klagenfurt und pörtschach kenne ich von meinen touren und natürlich das casino - deine privaten ecke begeistern mich aber viel mehr. liebste grüße in die ferne - bärbel ☼

    1. Liebe Bärbel,
      hach, was für eine Kennerin aller Ecken dieser Erde du doch bist - von Perm bis Pörtschach, das macht die so bald niemand nach.
      Jetzt bin ich wieder in der Steppenstadt. ;-)

      liebe Grüße in den nahen Norden,

  3. Hello Paula! I really love those landscapes! I also agree that the blog is the best place to showcase your images and tell your stories. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, you can really personalize a blog. I do add pictures to my Facebook and Twitter, but I mainly use those platforms to move traffic to my personal website and blog. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Travis for visiting and leaving a comment!
      Nice to get in touch with you. Oh, I should mention: I am a loyal reader who loves to leave comments. (you have been warned teh-he)

  4. Ich kommentiere weiterhin stur auf deutsch. Welcome Back! ;-P

    Der Wörthersee ist ja echt wunderschön!

    1. Danke, Danke! :-)

      Hach, das ist so nett, einfach fortsetzen zu können, dank ausdauernder Blogger wie dir und Bärbel. Ich freue mich!

      Ja, bitte weiter auf Deutsch kommentieren. Und wenn ich hier ein Posting von der Leber weg schreibe, wird das Deutsch. Kommt sicher.

      Der Wörthersee ist noch dazu ziemlich warm (wenn man das mag) Anfang Juli waren es schon 26°.

  5. Discussing literature and swimming in the lake - it sounds pretty much like heaven to me! Lovely photos, I'm so delighted that you've returned to Blogland.

    1. Oh, thank you! yes, I am delighted, too!
      The festival was pure bliss and set the tone for the vacation that followed afterwards. So lucky.
