Wednesday, 22 February 2017

The Biker Jacket

This says it all:

Me, August 1989 before my last year at school
This jacket had been mine for a few weeks in 1989. I borrowed it from a friend, sharing clothes was part of our wardrobe life back then. The biker jacket came with a story: it belonged to a former police officer who had worn the jacket at work, on his bike. (Truth? Myth? Nice story anyway!)  Biker jackets where big. Flea markets where the place to go to.

No doubt, this piece of leather made me feel so cool. The first day at school, after the summer, walking up those steps in front of the school gate, where the guys used to hang out and scan us – the girls. I am not sure how well I actually rocked the coolness this jacket incorporated. What I can say for sure is that the guys did not handle my altered appearance all too well, speaking from their comments.
Being a girl, d'awwh...

Today I find myself scanning shops for "the certain jacket". Biker jackets are back, now tighter and tinier than ever. And of course pricier than ever.

btw: The red tan in my face comes partly from the hot turtle neck I was wearing, inside my friend's room, partly from the old photo paper (almst 30 years old, colours change over time) and of course from long days at the public pool.

What this photo also tells me: take photos and keep them. They bring joy.



  1. Das ist ja ein großartiges Foto - und wieviel es zeigt von Dir und von der Zeit damals! Bei mir werden auch gleich Erinnerungen wach: August 89 - ich war noch eingemauert aber im Sommer in Bulgarien im Urlaub. Richtig heisser Sommer war da am schwarzen Meer, nicht so ein Mischmaschwetter wie an der Ostsee. Sonne, Sand, Meer und Melonen. Danach änderte sich mein Leben - zu meinem Glück!
    Alles Liebe
    Bärbel ☼

    1. Liebe Bärbel, Danke für deinen "persönlichen" Kommentar. Du hast mich tatsächlich auf die Idee gebracht, auch ältere Fotos zu posten, ich finde das auch ungemein spannend und möchte sie nicht missen, die Geschichten zu den Zeitreisen.
      Mischmaschwetter, das Wort drückt die Verachtung ziemlich deutlich aus. hehe.
      liebe Grüße, Paula

  2. Well, Miss, you look just fabulous, and I bet you wish you had hung on to that jacket as it is very 'of the moment'. I didn't look half as cool as you the day that I left school. (But I soon made up for it once I started Art School.)
