Thursday, 29 January 2015

Listening to The January Cure


tonight I just send you a short update. The January Cure is coming to and end. I am not sure if this was Janel's plan behind all the assignments, but the deep cleansing in several rooms lead straight to serious decluttering processes. The progress I am making is enormous.

 Sorry Yazz/The Only Way is Up, you have served me well, but now it's time for you to go.
Right now, while typing this posting, I am listening to old records. They have been sitting in the shelf for decades, I hardly ever listened to them. I am listening to every single record and it seems as if my taste in music has changed over the decades. This project is fun. It entertains us at home.

Now playing: Talking Heads. Speaking Tongues. 1983 (Burning Down the House, Girlfriend is better etc) genial
It is amazing how genius he Talking Heads were. 
After 20 records, this seems to be the first "modern" record in my collection. It sounds so ...  fresh. I am very happy. I think I like the record 10 times more than I liked it back then. David Byrne sounds comforting, such a kind man. Did you know he loves to ride a bike where ever he stays?

Mr Paula thinks this "going through the records" is the best assignment of the whole "Cure". Even though it was no actual assignment. It just happened. I am surprised how good the sound is, compared to the internet radio and MP3 we usually listen to.

So, enough with the talk, here comes the slideshow and you will see the last days have not only been about records.

 Music, my third love right after drawing and photography. (the photos shows just a tiny, daily dose, several more on stock)

 The rose(s) held up really well! This one is 2 weeks old or even older. (another shot that captures the excellent quality the SIGMA DP2 provides, even in relatively low light)
This apron is tiny and accompanied me during my first years in the kitchen, from 3-9 years. I can't let it go, I am going to keep it together with this trio:

Yes, we actually played Star Trek, which included a lot of beaming. The beaming platform was a box whre you pushed buttons and the crew magically disappeared. Lucky children we were.

MAYA Norway. 
This is how we used cut meat at home. Before the electrical knife boarded the kitchen.

 oh the hard disks ... but I am doing fine. Their status has improved lets say at least by 120% since last saturday.
reliable high fidelity. project record player. and a peculiar anti-dust device. 

discerning asked for a portrait of my clothes-rail. it looks like this: is:
a simple but very effective clothes rail

 this shelf has served as our out box for YEARS! I am glad I am finally getting the stuff to move out. :-)
The shelf is going to move out, too.

glasses, mugs and lots of stuff sitting in the "out box" (this is a LOT, the spatula in front is actually a HUGE spatula, twice the normal size)
pillow stuffing (pure wool), a bicycle helmet that gives me headaches (yes, I still am the Princess and the Pea), outdated clothes and the suitcase itself, serving as another out box

I hope this entertains you a little. 
More - or hopefully less - to come! :-)


  1. dann ist bei dir schon frühling? oder entrümpelst du sogar im winter. hut ab, dass du das kannst, ich habe ja eher trennungsängste, schon seit der kindheit ;) mein musikgeschmack kann sich noch so ändern, von meinen vinyls trenne ich mich einfach nicht. ich finde musik zum anfassen mega wichtig in meinem leben und der plattenspieler ist ein vielgenutztes gerät. deinen staubpüschel musst du mir mal bitte näher beschreiben, der ist ja genial. liebe grüße aus berlin, bärbel ☼

    1. Liebe Bärbel,

      zum Staubpüschel (hehe) kommt ein eigenes Posting, demnächst. So ein herrlicher Anachronismus.

      Irgendwie gefällt mir die Idee zunehmend besser, dass ich zu Ostern keinen Osterputz machen werde.

      Mein Musikgeschmack hat sich DEFINITIV geändert! Grönemeyers Gemischte Gefühle klingen auf einmal so ... Bierzelt! (ich bin entsetzt, wirklich!)
      Und die "großen" Beasty Boys klingen so ... putzig, Haha!

    2. aber es gibt auch was, das bleibt: bowie, lennox, alanis - aber die singen ja auch schon auf silberlingen und nicht auf knacksigem vinyl. viel freude mit der aktuellen schwarzen scheibe und liebste grüße aus berlin! bärbel

  2. I LOVE David Byrne and The Talking Heads. Never had any of his record albums though. You did very well! Will you continue?

    1. Hi Alana!

      oh yes, I am still de-cluttering. Right now I am listenting to the Beasty Boys, Def Jam Records, Fight for your right to party. Breakfast-soundtrack, stays! :-D

  3. ohhhh .. das ist alles so toll und ich bin immer voll motiviert von dir. leider kann ich wegen meiner nahenden prüfung ja nicht ausmisten - aber ich habe für mich und meinen lieben mann schon eine liste geschrieben was wir alles angehen werden. den keller, die kleider, alles muss raus... du bist meine ausmist-heldin!!!

    1. Liebe Verena,
      Danke, du ehrst mich :-)
      Na, dann werde ich noch ein paar motivierende Fotos nachlegen. :-)

      Wenig überraschend, bin ich jetzt beim Kleiderschrank angekommen. Genau rechtzeitig, bevor Winter- und Sommergarderobe getauscht werden.
      Ich bin übrigens auch eine von denen, die die Gretchenfrage stellt: Does it spark joy"? M.Kondo hat ein Buch zum Thema Ausmisten geschrieben, die Frage ist der Kern ihrer Methode.
      Ein Monat nach dem ersten großen "Rauswurf" ist klar: da kann noch viel raus. :-D

  4. Yesterday i started de-cluttering in the kitchen. It felt awsome. :-D

    1. Kitchen is the best space! ... and can be the toughest, too.
