Friday 26 April 2013

Signs And Characters

One thing I like about going abroad are the details that can be found in a foreign environment. At home we don't pay attention but when being abroad, the magic happens and those usually peripheral details become special. 

I have a weakness for typographies and signs. I love to listen to the stories those signs tell me about the foreign city. Unvisible things turn visible. Most of the photos were taken with my old camera.

Hamburg is "the" city in Germany when it comes to film productions.

Did you notice, there are also nice letters on the lefthand buidling.
Are there absolutely no cultural events that would be worth being announced? ;-)
Cool Letters. What I like about this station: old things may remain old. Not everything needs to be polished.

The Thalia Theater has a quite unique mix of various graphic designs. New meets old.
Navyblue and White - a combo you simply can't beat!
Inside the Thalia Theater. Beautiful, beautiful ...

Probably the most useful signs during my stay: showing me the way
Another pleasant graphic design. The appearance is a bit rough. But the letters are lovely
Black and white - a classic. Seen on the ferryline 62 on the Elbe.
I had no idea garbage bags would be pink!
I like how tse painted the comapany's name in old letters. Details like that make me melt away ....

In Hamburg lebten zwei Ameisen,
Die wollten nach Australien reisen.
Bei Altona auf der Chaussee
Da taten ihnen die Beine weh,
Und da verzichteten sie weise
Dann auf den letzten Teil der Reise.

(Ringelnatz on the Elbchaussee)


  1. toller Post...sind echt schöne Fotos dabei!

  2. Jö, Danke! Ich freu mich, dass du dich herverirrt hast. :-) Mit Fotos wird es hier weitergehen, bildlastiger - bis blogspot in die Knie geht. ;-)
