Monday 21 November 2011

No No-Knead Bread

Ha! Who would have thought the No-Knead-Bread-Hype could lead me back to traditional bread-baking?

A few years ago I used to bake sourdough bread. Until I found out rye does not suit my digestion.
Having seen lots of postings on No-Knead-Bread I gave the classic bread a try and see for yourself - I am more than happy with the result and the process is simple. The part I love most is when the dough drops out of the bowl without any mess. The recipe is - surprise - by Jamie Oliver. It's nice having bread-recipes next to soup and pasta recipes in one book.

chop chop chop

chop chop chop
When I am running short with raisins, I add cranberries. Anything goes.

2 minutes later
The dough now sits in the bowl

Who does not use the worktop as a board?
There is no need to roll the dough.
I enjoy it, since the dough is really easy to handle, not sticky at all!
40 mins later:
Cool down under a blanket over night.

Texture, taste and scent are perfect. Can you see, why I bake no No-Knead Bread? I almost forgot the main reason, why I prefer this traditional way: I just could not integrate the 12-15 hours resting time the No-Knead Bread requires in my schedule. This bread does not take more than 3 hours, I can to it any day, after work.

More kitchen stories to come soon!


  1. I love Jamie, he's my cooking hero. This bread looks yummy, I love how cute the cuts get after they're baked.

  2. I love the smell of bread baking. I was curious about the time for the no knead bread and wondered how others manage to schedule the rising.

    Good looking bread too Paula!

  3. those loaves look very inviting!!!

    Tell me you've already devoured both loaves. I know I would have.

  4. coffeeadict, do you find yourself raving about him? I do ever once in a while and feel silly ... but I can't help it.

    hostess, yes, the rising time was a big no-no for the no-knead bread.
    thank you for liking my bread, at least the photos of it.

    Jen, I have to disappoint you this time: I freeze one loaf, cut into slices. It does not lose by freezing.

    Hi BlackistheNewBlack, I am happy to please others with those pics. It's fun, shooting the process in the kitchen once in a while.

  5. HEY Paula. Love your blog!
    I would like to know the recipe for this delicious looking bread!

  6. Hi A! Thank you :)
    I will happily the post the recipe her (edit the posting) later this week!

  7. Hi A,

    Sorry, a few hours late, here it is:

    BUT: I use only 1/2 of the amount of yeast, 1-2 sachets instead of 3!

    And I love to add whatever I like to add, like the cranberries and nuts above. Almost everything goes.

    If you need more information, please ask!

  8. So niceee of you to post it. Sorry was busy so couldn't see it earlier.
    Thankyouu very veryy much :)
