Wednesday, 25 January 2012

7 Weeks Later

And so my hair grows, and grows, and grows ...

Not that I have a bit of a problem with the fact that my style varies from wild to plain. Isn't that what good models are all about: slipping into a new identity every other day?

7 weeks after the initial haircut, my hair almost touches my shoulders. The next appointment with scissors is due in 3 weeks. My colourist/hairstylist did NOT cut the initial short haircut – I had to leave him for that, but I return for the colour. (Yes, it's complicated.)

Now, that the initial cut is done, I will let him do the maintenance. He said my bob is too plain. He has an idea what works for me. This is what my hairstylist has in mind: (this is the photo he showed me on his smartphone)

I guess I will have to dissuade him from cutting this mess into my hair.
Firstly, because this is not Madonna's hair but a wig and secondly because I actually like my "TV-News-Anchor-Woman-Me".


  1. I can't believe you don't like the choppy bob on Madonna. It look so good. I love it! And how do you know it's a wig? XO, Jill

  2. jill, I trusted this source:
    The good part is: now that my hair is short, I am less strict. At least I think so! The anchor-look somehow adds years, whilst the choppy bob takes years off – which is a big plus for the choppy-style.

  3. I think the Madonna hairstyle/wig cut would look great on you. And it looks easy to style.

    They say your hair grows 1/2 inch every 4 weeks. It looks like yours has grown more than an inch in seven weeks. Maybe it's just the collar in the second photo that makes your hair look longer, but it looks more like 2 inches to me. Do you find your hair grows quickly?

  4. Hi Adrienne! I like being talked into the choppy-bob. :-)
    To answer your question: Yes, I think so, too. My hair grows rapidly! The collar does change the look, but still, the length is way below the chin and before it was above chinlength. ( I have the date of the first photo, the second was taken this morning, so no doubt, it's 7 weeks). Fast growing hair is a plus for new, 'risky' hairstyles: it does not stay that way for long.

  5. I love the descriptions Paula!
    I do like choppy bobs, oh but have you seen the mess of Cameron Diaz'z messy bob just now? it's awful.

  6. Tabitha, thank you! I do what I can.
    About Cameron - oh. I did not know. It looks almost embarrassing.
    But her old bob, the one that dates 14years back is such a classic ... and it's choppy!

  7. I love your hair style in both versions. And we also have to be realistic, it's financially impossible, unless you're a rock star to have a daily or weekly appointment with your hairstylist.
    I have my hair cut on a 6 to 9 week interval.

  8. Hi Paula

    I like the Madonna bob but it will take effort to maintain. No point changing if you don't have time each morning to style. I know I'm not.


  9. Ich glaube, es gibt keine Frau, die nicht wenigstens ab und zu im Clinch ist mit ihren Haaren. Hängt es doch sehr stark mit Stimmungen und Gefühlen zusammen, die *Frau* so täglich ausbrütet...

    Erst heute (mit einem kritischen Blick in den Spiegel wohlgemerkt!)habe ich mich gefragt, warum Haare nicht einfach in Farbe und Form so bleiben können, wie man den Friseur seines Vertrauens verläßt?
    Aber nein, sie müssen wachsen...aus der Form geraten...die Farbe hat mittlerweile nur noch einen schwachen Wiedererkennungswert und die mit jedem Jahr immer vorwitziger werdenden Grauen, halten sich auch in keinster Weise an vornehme Zurückhaltung!

    Da ist manchmal leichte Frustration angesagt....mal bin ich nämlich ein pünktlicher Friseurgänger und manchmal (wie eben jetzt!) habe ich dazu so gar keine Lust. Es ist ein Jammertal! :))

    Liebe Paula, Du siehst schön aus so wie Du gerade bist!
    Und wenn Dir mehr nach *Popkönigin* als nach *Mrs. Late News* sein sollte, dann kannst Du das schließlich minütlich ändern lassen mit einem gewissen Telefonanruf... :))

    Liebste Grüße,
    Beate ♥

  10. coffeeaddict, what I like about the short hair is the flexibility, changes seem to take place easier compared with the long hair. The sacred length isn't sacred anymore, what was precious before is something to play with today.

    Jos, and I thought I'd learned my lesson! Truth is I am still very naive, I thought the chopped bob would be maintenance-free.

    Beate, Danke danke danke!
    ... obwohl, meine Mutter verglich meine aktuelle Frisur mit Niko Pelinka:
    (von Beruf Sohn und Neffe und Protege der Sozis).
    Weißt du, es ist doch so, in meinem Leben tut sich recht wenig, kaum Veränderung, ein Jahr wie's andere. Da tut so eine kleine Veränderung am Kopf ab und an doch ganz gut! Und Nackenfreiheit ist was wunderbares! Kein Hitzestau, kein Ziehen vom Gummiringerl/Haarband, einfach Luft!
    herzliche Grüße, Paula

  11. Oh wow; I got my personal message - how sweet of you! still think I should bring you my collared shirts, you seem to do an awesome job, ironing them. ;-) And how great you look with this hairdo - you make me want to go blond (do meschen), cut my hair and become a sexy (yet very sophisticated) anchor newslady like you! sending hugs, yours Macs

  12. I don't like the chopped bob at all ( just call me old-fashioned, as I know that it is very 'now') and I think that it requires a lot of upkeep. Your hair in the first photo is great, cut, colour spot on. Isn't the right haircut just the most important thing!

  13. Hi Paula

    I'm so glad to get to see you properly. I think your hair looks nice. I think Madonna's hair would suit you too though. Why not try your stylist's idea just once and if you hate it, you can hang on to the fact that your hair apparently grows at break-neck speed.

    Good luck with whatever you decide and keep us posted.


  14. Macs, all I say is #4! (pink/skyblue/white/navy)
    Thank you for the roses!
    I never coloured my hair in the past, the reason I gave in was my grey hair. Dark hair, with grey undertones, no make up, hardly any jewellery - I felt confident but when I looked at photos I did not like the impression I gave. I looked like a woman who lives in the woods, collects herbs and has no interest in fashion whatsoever. Not that that would be bad per se, but I had a more colourful image of myself. Funny sideeffect: since I've started dying my hair, I use make-up much more frequently. The same with jewellery.
    So long story short: as long as you don't feel as if your appearance were grey, leave the colour for later!

    Share my Garden, my mother can't stand chopped hair at any lenght, too. Though she might even consider your haircut chopped, because it is assymatrical! She always says the hairstylists who chop hair (take some volume out of the mass) do this, because they hate women's hair. In her opinion a perfect hair comes with volume and more volume. Any since the chopped haircut diminuishes the original volume, it can't be good. She grew up with the comb that made every hairstyle BIG.
    I fear I have inherited not only her genes but also her fear: That a haircut might give the impression that I have less hair than I actually have. Somehow it's funny: ever since a hairstylist chopped my hair (20 years ago) I hear her words. Yesterday, at lunch, I just mentioned the vague idea of trying a chopped haircut, and it took no more than one instant and her 'furor' was back: 'how those hairstylists hate women with great hair and make them look poorly ...' Oh yes, my mum is authoritarian.
    The hairstylist who cut my hair short 7 weeks ago asked me huch much time and effort I am willing to invest in styling my hair. This is a crucial question!

    Tracy, with pleasure! I am happy I posted the photos - including Madonna – because the talk here is fun. I enjoy reading all your opinions. Even if it's just hair, it is something I can reflect upon. I will keep you posted, for sure"!

  15. Paula, the first two photos are beautiful, lovely shots of your beautiful face and hair. And I love your hair cut at both lengths.

    The Madonna bob might be fun, but I wonder how it will grow out. I guess you could try it.

    By the way, I saw your notes on coffeeaddict's blog on writing English. Your English does not need improving in my opinion. Your writing is delightful.

  16. I'm with Susan above ^^. I like the way you write, precisely because it's not your first language. It makes it unique and somehow more honest and descriptive.


  17. Susan, Tracy,
    thank you for your comments. Maybe I worry too much (yes, again, the middle class speaking here) - worrying that it would be annoying for native speakers to read postings with lots of spelling and syntax-mistakes.
    The reason why I write in English is because I want to reach you. And you are here. Time to relax. :-)

  18. Dear Paula, there's no such thing as 'just hair'! I think that it is the most important statement for women in making them feel right about themselves. Your stylist was good to ask the important question of how much time and effort you are prepared to put in to maintaining a style. My hairdresser knows that I'm not prepared or skilled at putting in any effort so it is all down to her ability to give me a good cut. (And, yes, your mother would be right, my haircut is very chopped, but I would wear smooth and sleek if I could still carry it off.)
    Your hairstyle is lovely and your English excellent!

  19. Share my Garden, I underestimated the value of hair for a lon time. Not any longer! Thank you for your compliment(s)!
