Monday, 6 August 2012

100m and Beyond

Wow. This feels really good!
I just returned from an after-work swim and having swum already 20x 50m breast stroke, I thought why not give it a try and try your good old friend, the crawl. It has been some time.

I was already in my late twenties, when I finally learned how to crawl. Friends showed me how to do it. It is not the best idea, asking your friends to teach you something you are eager to learn.
Some of my girlfriends took many lessons at the local gym. They never became friends with the most efficient way to glide through the water: The Crawl.

Breast strokes are sooo annoyingly non-efficient, compared to crawling.

I am looking forward to my soon-to-be-toned upper arms and am particulary enjoying the fact how happy the crawl made me - the simple fact, that I crawl like others do breast strokes. Not exactly effortless, my crawling, but still, I arrive at the end of the pool with a pace of 4 armstrokes/breath

I start with 5 armstrokes which means I breath in at both sides:
left arm up in the air + breathing in / right arm / left arm / right arm / left arm / right arm in the air +breathing in etc etc

Yay, I am that good! Breathing in at both sides is a distinguising characteristic. ;-)
At least the guys notice it and say "you can breath at boths sides, respect!"

I know there are many women who can crawl like other brush their teeth: absolutely effortless. I am sure they would never make such a fuss about it.
One of my best friends in the past could crawl like she was born in the sea. I will never forget how I stood at the beach and admired her while she was gliding through the water. To me crawling is an elegant motion.

Oh, and over all the happiness that comes with this evening's crawling, I should not forget the endorphines, that do their work, too.

What really helped me back then in my late twenties was my mantra. It goes like this: "Sydney 2000". Did I expect myself to jump in that Olympic pool in Sydney? I don't know. Probably not. But still it worked. I was highly motivated and continued arguing with my friends who tried to teach me how to crawl and finally reached the break through by swimming from one end of the pool to other, making those 50m.
I don't know where the next games will take place. But in case you need a mantra, XYZ 2016 should work!

I am not going to convert m to yards. By now (London 20129 everyone should be familiar with 100m :-))

If you are looking for a place to go for an after-work swim and don't want to leave your goods unguarded at the beach,  I can recommend the Schönbrunner Bad.
 The view after the after-work swim is pure luxury: The palace, seen from the obelisk after sunset

Those who have been following this blog for a year might be familiar with the side effects, that come with the Schönbrunner Bad once a year:
It's when the Schönbrunner Bad turns into a Schönbrunner Bad like in "bad", the opposite of good. Or should I say naughty?

This is what I love about blogging: the blog never forgets. And makes me enjoy things I would normally avoid at all costs! In case you wonder: no, they don't charge any extra money on that day.
Maybe I am hyperventilating with all the hyperlinks, linking to one and the same page. But the mere thought of that day makes me hyperventilate. You get the picture, right?

Back to today:

  More happy after-work swimmers leaving Schönbrunn.

Today may have been the last hot day for some time, the next front is approaching from the west. Goodbye sun!

One reason I quit swimming in public pools a few years ago was my concern about my highlighted hair. I fear my blonde hair might get this green touch every blonde woman is afraid of. But hey, what day would be better than today for starting off with the new project: turning into a green haired woman.

You know what I am thinking  ... the little green men on Mars.
Ahem, sorry, but am I the only one to notice something in this picture that is not supposed to be inside the studio August 6 2012?

What is Curiosity doing in that studio? It is meant to be some thousend million miles away from home. NASA could at least covered Curisosity, no? I am a big fan of Curiosity, since Curiosity is my second name. But still I want to believe the stories NASA sells us and not discover the despicable truth. The one we all know since The Real Stuff.

However, I will keep you updated how my hair turns green. Meanwhile I must go and continue admiring THIS:
(nono, this one is for you!)
 Yesterday early evening at the Bundessportbad Alte Donau. I know, I know, it is no longer the Bundessportbad but Bundesbad. They took the sport out of the bad. Strange, no?

The only reason why I can not recommend the Bundessportbad/Bundesbad for an after-work swim are its opening-hours: The beach at the Alte Donau closes at 7.30, people must leave the water by 7pm whereas the Schönbrunner Bad closes its gates at 10pm until feragosto. 
Of course you could go anywhere at the Neue Donau. There you would have to leave your clothes and goods unguarded since no lockers are available.

Since I like the photos that I took yesterday sooo much, I add another one:
And another one!
Interesting behavioural change:
As soon as I am walking around wearing a fuchsia bikini, I have no problem taking "street photos" (in the meaning of portraying stranger without permission) whereas I could never do so while walking around on the streets of Vienna, fully clothed.
Listening to David Gray live at the Point in my MP3 player helps a lot when it comes to "acting like I just don't care".
Wow. Brave Paula! Standing in front of all those quasi-Hilfiger meets A&F-commercial guys and girls, some could be my children, and taking this photo. The picture is not complete without the size of my bikini D 42 (F 44, IT 46, US 14, UK 16). Nothing to be proud of and 42 quasi the opposite of cool. Add the MP3 player to that picture, but you have to clip to the loop of the bikini at the hip and voila, here you have the picture of an almost nerdy apprearance.

Oh, and then I did not bother and started looking through the viewfinder, since the display was not helpful in the bright sunlight. Using a viewfinder is the right thing to do when you use a DSLR. But using the Casio Exilim's viewfinder and bowing the knews in a rather stiff way at the same time ... anyhow! I must take advantage of my behavioural change, triggerd by my bikini, at least when it comes to photography, because I do think it brings me to new heights. Do you agree?

Even using the viewfinder I did not see anything at all. The sunlight was so bright. I took at least a dozen photos at that point.

It was right there at this moment, when I felt absolutely happy where I was and I did not miss Hamburg  - for the first time in months. I am glad I finally connected with the beauty that lies within ... Vienna.

It might have to do with all the water and ships:

Must go and rinse the bathing suit that has been soaking in the sink for too long. As long as it's The Laundress Delicate Wash. it's soaking in, it should be fine.

Please excuse the mistakes you find within this posting. I started to proof-read found some spelling mistakes, but the I continued to write and probably made more mistakes. And it got so late. Too late for any improvement. Sorry for that!


  1. Dear Paula,
    thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for the reference that Kokoscha was Austrian. Your blog is very nice but unfortuantely it is written in English. Already I communicate with blog which are written in French and in Dutch. Probably I will visit your blog more frequently and answer in English.

    Have a nice day

  2. Hallo Dieter!
    Danke für deinen Kommentar. Mit den Sprachen ist das ja so eine Sache. Seit kurzem schreibe ich auch auf Deutsch. Zum einen, weil es schneller geht (viel schneller!) zum anderen, weil immer mehr deutschsprache LeserInnen vorbeischauen. Im Moment überwiegen noch die nicht-deutschsprachigen LeserInnen. Ich möchte sozusagen beide Zielgruppen bedienen ;-)
    Es gibt jetzt auch ein Label "Deutsch" (rechts oben in der "Wolke" der Labels), das führt direkt zu allen Postings auf Deutsch. Eines davon mag ich besonders, da schreibe ich über meine Reise nach Hamburg, gemeinsam mit meiner Schwester.

    Deine Blogliste ist ziemlich beeindruckend, da muss ich mal genauer hinsehen. Man sieht sich!

  3. Danke. Wie immer traumhafte Eindrücke.

    Habe übrigens in der "11Freunde" gelesen, ihr hättet im 17. Bezirk das älteste noch bespielbare Stadion Österreichs. In Hernals. Das Stadion des Wiener SK ist seit 1904 (!!!) in Benutzung.

    Was ihr alles habt. Sagenhaft.

    Bin neidisch. Werde mal ein paar Touristenattraktionen raussuchen und abklappern. Wird zwar nicht so prächtig wie hier, aber ei9n paar schöne Plätze haben wir auch am Start.

    Liebe Grüße und Danke

    1. Das freut mich!

      11Freunde, das klingt nach Fußball. Kennst du den:
      ("der" ballesterer) ist finde ich von talentierten schreibern gemacht.

      Die Fotos wirken irgendwie sehr dunkel, aber es ging schon gegen Abend, da bleibt vom Licht oft weniger als man glaubt.

      Bin schon gespannt auf die Attraktionen. Die Fluchtkuh wird schwer zu toppen sein.

      liebe Grüße!

  4. These are wonderful photos that really give me the feeling of what Vienna must be like in the summer, for its residents. And of course you are a different person in a bikini, clothes makes the man and bathing suits the women!

  5. I love what LPC said! I wonder what my bathing suit tells about me. I can't believe how Vienna is so pretty and alive even during the summer, what a wonderful place to live.

  6. Lisa, so nice to read your comment!

    Tracy, I know some cities "die out" during August - like Milano and Paris. Vienna becomes calmer but definitely more active during the evening and night-hours on those warm summer evenings. That's what I enjoy the most: when the streets are alive after sunset.
