Saturday, 5 April 2014

Sahara sand overcasts the sky of Vienna

Are you familiar with Skywatch Friday? The project invites you to share your sky, but only on Fridays. Yesterday the sky in Vienna looked like this: 
 Vienna goes Dubai.

The clouds consist of Sahara sand. One positive side effect of the Sahara winds are the temperaturs. Yesterday evening it was 19°C at 9pm.
I accidentally trespassed a lot and took these photos.
A large part of the field is dedicated to concrete production. 

The whole area used to be the backlot of the national railway company. 
 Over the next decades this lot going to be transformed into a housing district.
 Sand in the sky, more sand on the ground.

The lorry drivers did not mind my presence. Thank you. I enjoyed this short visit on the building site.

You can tell, I am quite fond of desaturated scenes.

For purple blue skies: please visit Rosemary's Plum blossom!


  1. wien würde man hinter diesen fotos wirklich nicht vermuten. ein spannender einblick!

    hat was von steppen-einöde mit etwas osten? :)

    liebe grüße

    1. treffender Blick! :-)
      Heute sah es wieder anders aus. Nicht minder reizvoll bei Sonnenschein.
