Saturday, 19 April 2014

Where the Ancestors Rest

Neustift is known for its famous Heurigens, situated in the North-Western outskirts of Vienna. In my family, Neustift is known for the family grave at the cemetery in Neustift am Walde.

The paths which lead to our family grave are steep. The overall impression is somehow abandoned, but the place is a sanctuary for birds, just like a tranquil park, with so many trees and no cats!
Spring in Neustift am Walde, the cemetery
The reason for our visit was my grandmother's 104th birthday. Aries! The inveterate optimists among the signs of the zodiac. Good for her. Even better for us :-))
I once drove my grandmother to the grave, a drive-in experience so to say. This is not common in Austria at all. Is it ok to say, it was entertaining? Us sitting in my FIAT Uno, my foot clenching on the brake pedal, hoping that the downward facing car would stay in place, between the rows of tombs?

The cemetery faces North. The vineyards can be found on the slopes opposite the valley, facing South.
A grave with a view
We usually walk straight to our "neighbourhood", the family grave. Almost all other rows are strange to us. You have no reasons to walk down other rows. Except for paying your grandmother's cousin a visit. When you do so, you arrive at a different place. The light is different. The views, but also the design of the tombs. We walk past the tombstones, we read the names and dates. We wonder and imagine.

Last Saturday was overcast and grey.
Today was overcast and wet.
Lets hope for a sunny Easter weekend!


Morning sun at the Paula Residence


  1. Zu Deinen Bildern muss man nicht viele Worte machen, man sieht sie und denkt an die eigenen Lieben, die schon diesen Weg gegangen sind. Nicht jeder hat so ein schönes Plätzchen für die letzte "Ruhe in Frieden". Meine Großmutter ist 1904 geboren und wurde
    zu meinem großen Glück fast 90 Jahre alt. Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

    1. Liebe Bärbel, nie wieder werde ich in einen offenen Sarg schauen. Dieses Bild verfolgt mich noch lange, leider!
      Ich liebe alte Großeltern! Welches Enkelkind tut das nicht? :)
