Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Sugar Intake: High!

Remains of a punch: bio organic orange, deprived of its skin.

Today is a holiday in Austria. The perfect wednesday for inviting friends of family. The children's punch pleased young and old. The atmosphere was so enjoyable, Mr Paula and I decided to continue this sunday, I've already invited friends.

Angels admiring some of the rare bought cookies around: Cantucci

Since noone must expect an ordinary event, my brother in law and I digged tulip-onions in the flower troughs in front of the windows.

Best of all: after baking 2,5kg Vanillekipferl yesterday night, I can but wont have to bake more cookies. I am looking forward to watching some episodes of The Closer. Vix recommended the show in a high end posting.

I can't really write a lot since the space-key is blocking and I need to push it two, three times or really really hard which is annoying! I hope this is just an allure that will pass soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear Paula!

    Sounds like a lovely holiday. You and your baking inspired me (for telling others they should bake your recipes, though I've yet to do so myself!).

    I have some "good" and "bad" news to share...Greg LaVoi, lead costume designer of "The Closer," stopped by my blog. [Yea, starstruck me!]

    Unfortunately, he shared what we DVD watchers tend to miss out on -- news. Turns out the last season is this year's (short, 15-episode) one: Season 7. [NOOOOO]

    So we must savor the visual delights while we can, Ms P....
