Sunday, 3 April 2011

Various Ways of Stress Relief

There is nothing wrong with
  • a) following Martha Steward's advice
  • b) following the FLY ladies' advice (you don't need to be a messy to enjoy their approach)

which leads to
  • c) using a toothbrush in the kitchen.
left=before / right=after

It was just like in one of those toothbrush commercials, where the fake dentist brushes something to prove how good the brush works.

You can also prevent your mind from becoming overly worried by recording birds in the evening, after l'heure bleue. (you don't get to see a lot of birds but can listen to their voices-favourite melody at 00:22)

... or by simply admiring flowers in the window box.


  1. A toothbrush is one of my favorite tools! Nice job :)

  2. Paula~ Confession... I have never used a toothbrush for cleaning! I know! I need to!
    V and I have to go to Ohio this week, when I get home I am adding some spring flowers to the home!
    Ready for spring!!!
    Have a pretty day!
