Monday, 30 December 2013

Burggasse at noon


For those who can't make it to Vienna tomorrow – this is what it looks like.

left: Volkstheater with a red star on top

far distant background, to the left: Hochhaus Herrengasse (Vienna's first skyscraper, dates back to the 1930s)

very far distant background to the right: Vienna's latest sykscraper by Dominique Perrault. There were meant to be 2 towers, but the recession cut the project in half.

centre: Lefthand you see an old tramway, impossible to get on one of these trains with a buggy without help. The entrances are really high. But I like their "faces" anyway. Righthand you see the rear of a new model. Less character, more comfort.

right: Grey box with orange lid contains salt and gravel in case the streets get icy.
The design of the light poles is of the type "Lily of the Valley", you can see where the name comes from.

far right: Windows facing the street when open: windows like these don't meet today's safety standards anymore. This building is listed, so the windows may must remain this way. 

What else can we see? Couples! This time of the year is the time for travelling couples, it seems :-)


PS: the photo is not underexposed. It is quite dark, from sundawn til sunset at this time of the year. 

PPS: I will add a new label soon. Not sure how to label it, though. "The other Vienna". "Vienna as I see it", "Vienna in 50mm", "What Vienna looks like. Meanwhile I stick with "Vienna". 


  1. You caught that splendid tapestry of light blue sky dotted all over with light white clouds splendidly! I only overserved it from my window, too lazy to pick up the camera again. I had shot a few pictures when the sun was barely burning a few holes in thick cloud cover earlier in the morning.
    I love 50mm lenses (or 35mm on DX cameras)! I often walk about with only the 50mm lens.

  2. P.S.:
    I may try to take a walk around Graben sometime in the afternoon, seeing if I can find something interesting to photograph.

    1. Hello Merisi! Thank you for your comments. Today was a difficult one. I had to switch to indoor-mode, not possible to get a nice shot outside.

      You spotted what makes the camera special: it shows subtle details like no other. Often those details don't show up in the photo, lost in a kind of blur.

  3. ein foto, sehr gut "auseinander genommen". :)
    freue mich auf dein neues label - macht das ganze noch interessanter.

    ich wünsche dir einen schönen rutsch ins neue jahr und nur das beste für 2014! :)

    liebe grüsse
    hey|dru :)

    1. Hallo hey|dru! Mir macht es auch großen Spaß. :-)
      Heute war es einfach zu nass und finster, um die Serie fortzusetzen, aber das ganze wird garantiert ein Konzept. Ich freu mich jetzt schon drauf. Ist das nicht die beste Voraussetzung fürs Bloggen: weil es einem selber große Freude bereitet.
      Guten Rutsch!
      Wir gehen jetzt essen, in ein Lokal, wo man "ohne Silverster Menü" essen darf. hihi.

  4. Bonjour Paula, ton commentaire sur la photo de Burggasse me rappelle le texte de Perec : Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien.
    Très réussi !
    Bonne année !
    Ann (nom de plume)

    1. Bonsoir Ann!
      Perec. Il me semble ... plaisantin! :-)
      Bonne année et à tres bientôt, Paula
