Thursday, 17 March 2011

California? I like to move it!

Since I've noticed a mild depression, having watched those saddening news for days, I decided to give it a break and cheer myself up. Arrested Development it is:

I had watched the show two years earlier, back then I cancelled it only after a few episodes. Back then I did not think it was funny. That time was totally into 30ROCK-humour. Yesterday I gave it another try, felt as if it might work out now and it turns out I am loving it! No idea what has changed since then, but all of a sudden I find myself laughing out. What a relief! I have an antidote to bad moods in my pocket.

The script is witty, the cast is amazing, the character of the mum, the brothers, the mimic of the father in jail, the brother on the segway, chased by his brother, the colours, the light ... it all sums up in good entertainment made in California. Tell me, am I even right and does it play in California or is it just my projection?Maybe it was Brenda Lee Johnson in The Closer, that settled the path for California? I would say California is the perfect end-winter projection for me.

Meanwhile winter is still clinging to Austria – though there is less snow than before. Here you see some photos from last weekend, the skimountaineering course turned into an orientation-hike. We loved it! We had to find our way in the woods and mountain tops, using an altimeter and a map. Ridges and furrows where our guides. At the end we all were impressed what you can do. I have never done a thing like that before. Mr Paula and I usually stay on the marked paths.

It was the earliest hike Mr Paula and I ever made, 6 hours on March 13!

At the cross on the summit of the mountain, Paula in the middle.

Are crosses on summits of mountains something you find all over the world?

Mr Paula looking for the way

Can you see the way?

Guess who built this whole?! It has been a long, cold winter, animals do there best to survive.

After the last weekend, which exhausted me to no end, this one was fun. I like to move. Glad I signed us up for this course.

EDIT: the animal was a wood-pecker, searching for worms. During winter the worms are most likely to be found close to the ground - that's what our guide told me. Sounds reasonable.


  1. Danke, Paula für Deinen herzerwärmenden Kommentar!Ich muss mich auch *schützen* vor einem Zuviel an Informationen, Bildern usw. Momentan kommt man ja fast nicht aus, wenn man eine Zapprunde dreht.
    Der Blick muss trotz alledem nach vorne gerichtet sein und wir können entweder ein wenig Mittel spenden, die uns zur Verfügung stehen oder einfach eine gedankliche Vision gen Japan senden, das im Unglück vielleicht doch auch Glück bedeuten kann oder einfach bessere Umstände.
    Das wird uns noch eine längere Zeit beschäftigen
    und vermutlich ist das auch nicht das Schlechteste.Wir Deutsche waren trotzdem sehr angenehm überrascht, dass Fr. Merkel so schnell entschieden hat und die Diskussionen hierzulande schlagen große Wellen...bin gespannt, was sich da noch so entwickeln wird...

    Die Serie kenne ich gar nicht, sie klingt aber wie echtes Erholungsprogramm...! :)
    Danach wäre mir jetzt auch!

    Alles Liebe Dir und das Jahr des Hasen fängt doch, glaube ich, erst an....vielleicht hat er auch was Gutes im Gepäck, dass wir noch nicht erkennen können....

    Beate :)

  2. Winter can feel long by the time Spring is ready to make her entrance...have no fear it'll soon be here!

    Whatever animal bored that hole must have very sharp teeth!

  3. Liebe Beate, so süß wie die Hasen bei dir sind, müssen sie was Gutes im Gepäck haben. Wir können es so sehen: Ostern ist heuer sooo spät, da braucht alles halt ein Weilchen.

    Hostess, Spring might be moving in right now: it is raining and raining and raining. Good for the plants. I will reveal the secret of the animal soon. My first guess was a sort of a beaver maybe. It would have been a beaver, who would have left before finishing his job (=chopping the tree down). I was wrong. :-)

  4. hi paula,

    i adore arrested development and 30 rock. both shows are hilarious. i rarely watch tv but i will rent them on netflix.

    that mountaineering sounds like a lot of fun.


  5. I love both those shows, especially Arrested Development. There's been some talk there will be a movie made around the Bluth family. I definitely be going to that movie if and when it come out.

    I'm guessing it would be some sort of marmot or bird that would be living in that tree. Whatever it is, it's pretty darn smart.

  6. I get a little blue myself, by this time of year, but you would laugh at me. We have temps of 60F. I'm just crabby because I want our usual skies. You should try California. It is a wonderful place.

  7. janet, so we not only share the love for de-cluttering but also share the same humour. :-)

    Jen, you are pretty close with your guess! I will post the answer tonight CET.

    Lisa, I might post another posting on the topic (California). Help! I obviously got brainwashed by all the TV shows. And of course there are Californian bloggers around, too!
