Monday 31 March 2014

Why waste?


I am back from the service station, it was tougher than I had expected. The problem was: the people who work there are professionals. They care about bicycles. They see how much or how little care you take and - they let you know. They dissaprove rusty chains and rust in general.

I fought for my reputation: "But there was the salt, you know, the salty snow, after 10 minutes the chain will be a rusty mess the next day."
I was hoping for some respect. How many people ride their bike in the snow? 
The problem is: that snow was like 5 weeks ago.

I asked, how much the new parts would cost in total. 400 EUR.

This calculation lead straight to the idea of a new bike = 650 EUR. Fully equipped, better components. 

The idea of a new bike sounds seducing. An old bike remains an old bike, no matter how many parts you replace. But it was not plan, I only wanted to repair the worn out and broken parts.
is this waste?
Buying a new bike is good for the company which produces bikes.
Buying a new bike is bad for the environment, because during the production process, the company uses a lot energy, the bike has to be shipped - probably with a truck - it comes with plastic wrapping etc.
Ok, ok, I do realise this sound radical.

What to do?
I stood there in the service station like a wet, showered cat: unhappy and without a plan.

I looked down at the broken pedal and decided to start with a quick fix:
new pedals, old bike
19 EUR later I was good to go. Not without the man at the service station complaining about the rust.

On my way home I came past these waste containers.

The old floors and the old doors in the waste containers somehow tell the story of my bike: one day  they in use, the next day they are waste, because someone you decides to go for something new. IYou can tell, I don't feel comfortable, turning goods into waste. Why waste? What is my responsibility?

It is irresponsible to ride a bike with worn out brakes, tires and a broken pedal. Replacing the pedals as a quick fix was the right thing to do. The brakes and tires will be replaced next week, for a fraction of the 400 EUR, far from the price for a new bike.

Some of the parts are "nice to have", they won't hazard me or others. The extended mudguard made of an empty mineral-water bottle plus scotch tape even serves as an icebreaker, because it looks so ridiculous. Ridiculous might be an appropriate label for this posting. ;-)

I might take this very seriously. Thinking about your own responsibilty is probably not the worst thing to do on a Sunday morning.  


PS: did you notice? Street photography arrived at the blog! The young man was ripping out the floor tiles of the apartment and I asked him, if it is ok to take a photo. I should do this more often, because it is fun.


  1. liiiebe paula,

    habe deinen liebsten kommentar entdeckt (nach längerem nicht-besuchen meines blogs - man könnte meinen, dieser befinde sich in einem anderen land, mit sehr langer und komplizierter anreise). prüfungsstress habe ich verschoben, jobbeendigungs- und bevorstehender umzugsstress vorgeschoben. dennoch, stress bleibt stress und ich, sehr labil. :D

    ich habe noch etwas urlaub und werde mich wieder bemühen.

    wie geht es dir? freue mich schon wieder, dir zu folgen und deine spannende sicht der dinge zu lesen. :)

    allerliebste grüße

    1. Liebe hey|dru,

      du bist wieder online, wunderbar!
      Hoffentlich unterhalte ich dich auch weiterhin, mir taugts gerade sehr. Es gibt viel zu entdecken. Mir ist gestern erst aufgefallen, wie sich das Blogprofil zuletzt gewandelt hat - früher habe ich Shopwindows fotografiert und jetzt? Ein bisser abgefuckt, aber trotzdem schön.
      Apropos schön: die neue Dior-Fassade am Kohlmarkt wird es demnächst hierher schaffen. Schönes Teil!

      liebe Grüße, Paula

    2. ich bin mir ganz sicher, dass du mich glänzend unterhalten wirst. ich mag deinen blog einfach - deinen wandel finde ich ganz besonders toll. ich finde, im leben hat alles eine abgefuckte seite und diese macht alles etwas spannender. trashig schön!

      na, da bin ich schon gespannt! :)

      liebe grüße

    3. ts, jetzt habe ich es noch immer nicht zu Dior geschafft.

      Dafür habe ich mich gestern hinterm Hauptbahnhof von den LKW Fahrern auf den Schotterpisten einstauben lassen. (siehe heutiges Posting).
      Ich bin wohl für immer verdorben, bzw früher, als Teenager war ich genauso drauf: Fabriken, Ruinen, alles was nicht glänzte, zauberte den Glanz in meine Augen ...
