Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Lets Twist ... Again.

I did it!
I completed one of my last to do's: Tonight I finally sat down and did it: I wrote all the Christmas cards.

No need, to think I am perfect, because I am not: a perfect me would have created hand made cards and spent a whole evening scrapping unique Christmas cards, just like last year. No need to be perfect.

I admit, sitting down three days before Christmas at 11pm, returning from a Christmas party is not the most idyllic atmosphere. If only I had followed Miss Cellany's routine, her cards arrived at their destinations lets say weeks ago.

Box to the left: cards I did receive last year, better not forget those loyal card writer this year!

My love for the perfect outcome has been put to the test very recently.
There has been the plan - layed out weeks ago - that I would cook what you could call "the perfect dinner" for my parents, the day after Christmas - only to find out, that they've already bought all the foods - processed, frozen, convenicne food. My whole concept of a special, home-cooked dinner with my father happily assisting me went down the drain. Still, I will not let them de-frost their apple pie for dessert. I draw the line at the dessert. The pie will be home-made, coming from me, e basta!

I should not be surprised. It's how my familiy ticks. Why on earth would parents want to eat processed foods on a holiday instead of letting their daughter cook for them? Maybe they just enjoy the fact, that no one needs to work in the kitchen for hours, all thanks to convenience food. I guess they simply enjoy those conveniences just as much as I enjoy cooking and baking. I feel challenged and remember Vix's Twist on this occasion. Which finally brings me to the subject of this posting.

Have a nice Wednesday!
It's always nice writing to you.


  1. My dear Paula --

    You see your foiled cooking plan and direct callout have caused me to get over my shame of being so behind on commenting here. RIP, home-cooked meal-to-be!

    [I read...and read...and read...because you are ridiculously/awesomely prolific.]

    Personally I may have dislocated something trying to twist, breathe, let go -- but I trust you to do it better. [You seem to do everything better than me, but yet it doesn't inspire me to up my game, ha!]

    Know that my eyes and brain thank you for this last year of posts, even the recent ones where I have been radio-silent.

    The VDW and Vienna holiday snaps, the flashy-for-you aqua stone bracelet purchase, anything to do with you in the kitchen, the TV show musings, and the loss of your friend...all read and absorbed. And big congrats on having the pro/designated VDW photographer comment on your process.

    In case I don't get back here before the new year I am wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season (as happy as it can be with that frozen food thing happening)!

    I so look forward to "hearing" what's going on in your brain and seeing what's going on in your life in 2012!

  2. In my experience women ten or more years older than me don't enjoy cooking as much as I do. Convenience foods "liberate" them from kitchen drudgery.

    Paula, we are having so much fun playing with the new DSLR camera! I put a post up with some photos. We ordered the lens you have and can't wait to try it. Thank you for inspiring us to splurge on this new toy, it is already bringing joy into our lives.

  3. Vix, I wish I could express the joy I felt when I read your comment. I am moved in a good way.
    Please don't feel obliged to comment frequently. I know many people, who read but don't comment. I remember you as one of the first commenters, I guess that bonds us forever.
    And it seems as if nothing - except my upcoming New Year's resolution - is going to hinder me from posting. More on that subject after Christmas.

    Susan, I will never forget the evolution of your comments as you went through my postings. I obviously seduced you and still can't believe that I am actually influencing other people's life through my blog and even brought joy to your world. I don't promise to much when I say this new toy will change the way you see the world around you. Even change the way you see movies, reflections and of course: the small details that can please us no end.
